Entry Points:

About Clallam County

Covering the northern slice of the Olympic Peninsula, Clallam County covers a heavily forested area characterized by its drop from the Olympic Mountains into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Although the forests are rule throughout the county, with peaks reaching nearly 7,000 feet in elevation and annual rainfall ranging from 17 to 140 inches annually, a variety of climates exist within the forests.

President Abraham Lincoln had a hand in the settlement of Clallam County when, on June 19, 1862, he ordered that a military reservation and lighthouse be established at Port Angeles. The townsite for Port Angeles appointed by congress the next year. Clallam County covers 1,739 square mile and is home to 64,525 people. U. S. Highway 101 passes through the county from the southwest corner to the eastern end.

A significant portion of Olympic National Park is in Clallam County, where the glacier-covered peaks and canyons of the Olympic Mountains can be visited, along with the rain forests that absorb the brunt of the Pacific storms.

In Clallam County:

1,953 Photographs

Places of Interest:

  • Olympic Mountains

Clallam County is in:

